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Elevate Your Cigar Experience
Check out our Digital Cigar Connoisseur A.I. who can assist you, whether you're new to the world of premium cigars or an experienced aficionado.
What we're about:
Utilize our Cigar A.I. to discover more
Cigar News & Releases
Virtual Cigar Tastings
Community driven reviews
Network with other society members
Social Group FAQ
What type of group is The Cigar Connoisseur Society?
We are a dedicated group of cigar enthusiasts, connoisseurs, and aficionados who want to create a digital social atmosphere for all cigar lovers.
How can I join the social group?
To become a member simply fill out the membership form below and create your profile to get started.
Are there any age restrictions to join?
Our social group welcomes anyone over the age of 21, from young professionals to retirees, creating a diverse and inclusive environment for everyone.
Do you offer virtual events for remote members?
Can I suggest new activities or events for the group?
Get in touch
Send us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.